Wednesday, January 30, 2019


Well folks, the day I never thought would come....CAME! 9 weeks and 6 days to the day of my surgery, I reported to the doctor's office with the instructions to bring the athletic shoes I'd be leaving the office IN.  AHHHH!! Time to get out of the boot and on to walking!

I have to admit that I was super nervous. To go ten weeks with NO pressure on my foot other than the CAM boot to WALKING was nervewracking to me.  My mind was literally trained to put no weight on that foot, and now I'm having to re-train it to do the opposite.

I took x-rays at this appointment. The doctor said everything is healing beautifully. While I'm still not 100 percent, I'm totally at a point where it is safe to start walking and building my foot within reason. As he explained to me--the biomechanics of the foot and ability of the foot to move properly is actually increased by it putting under stress (not crazy stress, but the actual dynamic movement of the foot over and over).

I need to do a whole separate post on foot wear--but I ended up with a shiny new pair of New Balance sneakers, one of the brands recommended by my doctor.  I will be wearing these sneakers for the next 3 weeks until my final doctor's appointment, barring any problems. I also have strict instructions to do no type of impact (running, jumping, etc)--just walking.

It was such a weeeeird feeling. At first, it was as if I pronated any more on the foot I was afraid it was going to just snap off, lol--but it wasn't painful, just a new feeling. And funny enough, the foot DOES feel more stable.  I'm excited to see how/where we are in the next 3 weeks as the healing progresses, but I'm super happy that we've made it this far!!

The doctor has still instructed me to use my bone stimulator for the next 3 weeks at 20min/time, 2 times a day.  He also prescribed Mobic if I get to having some pain or swelling, but he actually doesn't expect any.  

Looking forward to my next update!!!

Friday, January 18, 2019

It's been a while!

So it's been a while since I've posted but my apologies!  No news is usually good news though, right?

I am coasting along at the end of week 8.  I had my follow up appointment Week 7, and according to the doctor, my xrays look great!  I currently remain in the boot for another 2 weeks, at which point I will be venturing out into a tennis shoe! Nervous and excited!

How do I FEEL at this point?  Well, adjusting to the boot has been interesting and is still a process, even as I wrap up walking in the boot. While I'm not having any swelling, I do have discomfort in the space right to the right of my incision, in between the first and second toes. It's an aggravating burning/itching/stinging that comes and goes, but is usually the worst in the morning when I get started and towards the end of the day. Last night, I did have to take a pain pill right before bed to just "knock it out" and not interrupt my sleep. My doctor assures me this is normal and that while we are 8 weeks out, the healing process is still very much underway.

This week was also my first attempt behind the wheel!! 

As my fusion was on my right foot, my driving capabilities have been non-existent.  I've been cleared to drive ONLY in a Darco shoe that I must take off and replace with the walker boot when I am not driving. No walking whatsoever in the Darco. The battle that I'm having is that my mind is terrified to let that foot press the gas or step on the brake, even though it is secure in the Darco shoe.  I'm having to retrain myself that it's ok to apply some pressure. Thank the Lord for the handicapped tag. 

Other than this new discomfort, I'm pleased at my recovery.  We've come a long way from 8 weeks ago.  My doctor is more excited than me I think to see how my gait will be improved and how walking will be better for me after I am allowed out of the boot.  

I'm currently in the process of shopping for new tennis shoes with recommendations from my doctor. So far, I've been looking at Brooks, Vionic, New Balance and Abeo. Any suggestions for a stable athletic shoe post fusion?

Until next time!


Well folks, the day I never thought would come....CAME! 9 weeks and 6 days to the day of my surgery, I reported to the doctor's office w...