Monday, November 26, 2018

Day 2/3: Boom.

Daily Tip: Keep a 'snack drawer/basket" on the nightstand with crackers, applesauce, granola bars, etc. If you have to take a pain pill during the night (which you WILL) you can easily get to something to coat your stomach in anticipation of the pain pill.

So day two wasn't eventful, really. Pretty good night, sans waking up to my pill alarm, and all in all, pretty normal.  I started to think that maybe it wasn't going to be sooo bad...

And then came Day 3.

I don't know if it was the full wearing off of the local, or if it was just setting in that I couldn't do much of ANYTHING except rolling over in the bed, or what--but it all hit with a vengeance! Around midday, the pain crept up, but it still felt so sudden. I can only describe it as a tingling, that turned into a burning, which led to a tightening feeling that turned into an all out pain/ache. Nothing I did made it feel better and I could NOT get comfortable. I would get immediate relief after taking a pain pill, but that would start to wear off after about an hour or so. I tried the 'gateway method' that my doctor's office suggested--taking the pain pill, then following up with 2 ibuprofen 3 hours after the pill, then taking the next pill as scheduled. I did get some relief from this.

Surprisingly, most of my pain from this point on was during the day.  I feared the night, but as long as I stayed elevated, I had no problems.  

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