Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Week 3: We're still here!

Daily Tip: If you are using a knee scooter, invest in the Knee Pillow that goes on top of the knee seat. It's comfortable and it takes some of the pressure off the knee from all the riding around that you have to do.

We've made it to Week 3!

It may be really good that I actually don't have anything major to report!  I have no swelling to report.  The foot looks great.  My pain is in a great, manageable place as long as I'm not attempting to do too much. I can do longer periods of time not elevated, such as sitting in the shower, and even brief times at the kitchen table to eat. 

Interestingly enough, the pain is tricky in that I can feel relatively fine while doing all of the activity during the day,  but if I have done too much, my foot will let me know during the night!  I can only describe it as a nagging pain that I can feel mainly right at the fusion site that is tight and burns a little. When that happens, there's not much I can do to get comfortable other than take a pain pill. I'm still putting NO pressure on the foot, but I'm not feeling the same pressure when I place my foot down to put on lotion, etc.

My incision continues to heal.  It's flat and there is no type of swelling. It's in a weird stage where it's not open or anything, but it's not completely well. It kind of just sits there.  My doctor advised that I should be able to start using some type of scar therapy now (cream, gel, silicone strips) but I'd feel more comfortable waiting for the scar to heal up even more. I will probably give it another week.  Currently doing my research on the best scar treatments, so I'm sure I'll do a post about that!

Still working hard to keep moving the other parts of my body. Things are very stiff and tight.  You don't realize just how much you AREN'T working body parts until you move the wrong way and it hurts!

Here's to an even Week 4 ahead!

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Well folks, the day I never thought would come....CAME! 9 weeks and 6 days to the day of my surgery, I reported to the doctor's office w...