Monday, December 10, 2018

Week 4: A little stir crazy....

Daily Tip:  Diabetic skin lotion is like, manna from heaven. Rub it on your foot (carefully and avoiding the incision) before you wrap your foot up.  It helps keep your foot moisturized and helps defeat the dry skin!

We've made it to Week 4!  Definitely able to place my the foot down more for longer and longer periods of time without the immediate discomfort.  Still, moving around for large periods of time, especially with the foot down tires me out for long periods of time. For example:  I managed to get up and take down the little Thanksgiving decorations around the house (candles, placemats, etc) on my scooter.  I felt fine--and slept 4 hours afterwards.  I think my body is still getting used to lots of activity!

The incision continues to heal.  The dead skin is beginning

to finally peel off and there is new, fresh skin underneath. I debated on whether to post a picture and decided not to.  If you can visualize kind of what your skin looks like after you've gotten a burn and it peels, you're pretty close. The incision has no localized pain and it no longer itches.  Hopefully in the next week, most of the dead skin will be gone, and I will start using the scar treatment as well as my bone stimulator. I'll definitely have a separate post on that, but using the bone stimulator has been a staple of each of my foot surgeries, and has been shown to effectively quicken bone growth and shorten the period of time needed to be nonweightbearing.

While the more intense pain is gone, my nerves must be hard at work trying to figure out what to do. I have some tingling that's pretty constant between my 1st and 2nd toe, almost like a humming sensation.  My foot continues to be tender right below that point over the joint, where I presume the majority of the new hardware is.  It's not enough of new pain to take a prescription pain killer, but it is definitely noticeable.

Cabin fever has definitely set in.  I've watched all the shows, read all the books, colored all the pages and crushed alllll the candies on my phone, lol.  This seems to be the magic point where things start to get mundane and well....boring. I start to wonder why I can't just do what I used to do..and then once I sit up on the edge of the bed and put both feet on the ground, I remember only one of those feet work.

My next doctor's appointment is in 8 days, which will be a little over 5 weeks.  Hopefully I'll be able to report on the bone stimulator before then!  Onward we march! :)


  1. Hey from the Facebook group! I am 10 days post op and I don't have pain when my foot is down like I did with my other fusion. I swear by Dr. Polun's use of stems cells during surgery using a placenta wrap and bone marrow from my heel. Hope it's ok to post his website but I cannot sing his praises enough!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Awesome! I say if they don't find any adverse affects from all of these treatments we do, then they are definitely worth a try!!!! :)



Well folks, the day I never thought would come....CAME! 9 weeks and 6 days to the day of my surgery, I reported to the doctor's office w...