Monday, December 17, 2018

Week 5: Happy Holidays from my feet to yours!

Daily Tip: Get Amazon Prime or find a nice friend that has an account if you are stuck inside at during the holidays!! I've done alllll my Christmas shopping! 

Happy holidays, everybody!! Here we are in Week 5, and I'm continuing to make good progress!!The pain that I have now only comes from overexertion. This week, I have tried to branch out and take on some activities.  I went to my sorority's Christmas small getogether, and while I used my scooter, sat the ENTIRE time and elevated my foot, I found that I was exhausted when I got home.  

Fast forward an extra day, and I made the most major outing I've made since surgery--a CONCERT.  Now granted, not a rock concert! I am a longtime fan of Harry Connick, Jr. and before the surgery, my husband got me front row tickets to his show.  I had a lot of anxiety going into this because I started to worry about parking, ADA accessibility, being able to elevate. My heart goes out to those who are living with daily mobility impairment challenges--even though the venue was ADA accessible, it was exhausting wheeling from the parking lot to the ramp, and then up the ramp to wait in a line, and then to the concert floor.  I wasn't allowed to put my scooter in front of me to elevate (that was my plan) so I had to alternate with having my foot down and resting my foot, boot and all in my lap.

It was a GREAT show,  but I am now starting to feel the aftereffects. I've used muscles last night that haven't been getting a lot of use, and so I'm generally sore all over. When I got home, my foot and leg were very cold, despite it being 64 degrees outside. No discoloration, but there was a LITTLE swelling--nothing major.  I'm up this morning and elevating, but my foot is a little tingly and buzzy, if that makes sense. I've learned that at this stage, I still need to elevate when I can.

In terms of looks, my scar continues to heal very nicely!
5 weeks post op!
I usually take a hot towel and wipe my foot down and try to get some of the dead skin off, but yesterday was the first time I haven't used the waterproof shower protector. I wanted to make sure that it was as healed as possible.  I decided to go with the silicone scar strips, as I used them last time and had great results.  

I also continue to use my bone stimulator.  I've had lots of questions about the bone stimulator, so I'm working on a separate post right now to talk all about it, how I use it and the success I've had.

My 5 week appointment with the doctor is tomorrow! I'm hoping for great news, and I will be sure to post about it!


  1. Can't wait to hear how your visit went! I am using the bone stimulator since day 1 and I am 2 weeks post op today. Yippee! Friday I get my cast off and idk if he will do an x-ray. Will let you know.

    Keep up the great blogging! I thoroughly enjoy your posts!!

  2. Ann—I have great news after the doctor—can’t wait to post today!! :)



Well folks, the day I never thought would come....CAME! 9 weeks and 6 days to the day of my surgery, I reported to the doctor's office w...